If you are hosting a party at home for a special occasion or a simple get together with friends or if you are calling in friends and family for a festive dinner, then you need to make sure that your home looks prim and proper and well decorated so that guests can feel comfortable and impressed with your home. Since it’s a dinner, apart from the living room, you must also make sure that your dining table looks inviting and neat at the same time. Make sure that you clean the table before setting it.
You can use table mats of lace doilies for the arrangement. Keep the main course in the side to middle of the table. The fruit basket should be kept in the center in a decorative manner. You can place candlesticks in the center as well along with nice flower arrangements. Place the main course plate and the side plate in front of each chair. The soup bowls must be upturned with the spoons arranged in line on the right hand of the table. Forks and knives can be kept on top of the main course plate. Make sure that every piece of cutlery is at least 2 inches away from the table edge.