
7 Efficient Lighting Hacks For Every Home

Lighting Hacks

Lighting is essential for showcasing the visual appeal and enhancing the ambiance of your home. Even if you build and decorate your home with all the best features, you will not be able to appreciate it without the proper lighting fully. Lighting is one of the most common things that most people overlook when creating their perfect version of home, and the results of this can be alarmingly stupendous.

Lighting serves to alter the mood of the inhabitants of the home and perform the primary function of making everything visible. Since homes use physical structures, natural light may not always pervade into all places inside the house. This makes it necessary to use lighting and lighting techniques to allow you to see in your home. Lighting is essential to make it safe inside your home as bad visibility can lead to accidents and, eventually, serious injuries.

There are plenty of lighting options that you can explore and use for your homes, and you can choose those that align with the visual flow of your home. You can also use natural lighting through a variety of methods to improve the internal lighting of your home without any significant investments. There are also low energy lighting options that allow you to set up highly efficient lighting without increasing your electricity bills. Here are seven of the most efficient lighting hacks for every home.

1. Minimize Using Blue Lights At Night

All our device screens such as phones and computer screens and even sunlight emit blue light. The wavelength of blue light affects our natural circadian rhythm, and our bodies can’t block this light. The screens of electronic devices emit high energy visible light that can cause premature aging and severely strain on your eyes.

These blue light radiations can affect the melatonin production in bodies as it responds to the light stimulus for controlling when the body produces the hormone. You can reduce the exposure to blue lights by using lights that emit light below 2700K at night, as this creates a significantly lower content of blue wavelength light. By cutting out the exposure to blue light for some hours before bedtime, you can easily prepare your body to sleep. You will also find it more relaxing, and it can help in lowering your stress levels.

2. Use Brighter And Lighter Color Paint

You can cause a considerable change to the lighting in your home by using paints that are light and bright in color on your interior walls, as well as the ceilings. The walls and ceiling of your home reflect light, and by painting them in a lighter color, you will notice an overall improvement in the lighting in your home. You won’t even require any changes to your existing lighting setup to improve your lighting.

The reflectance value of light by different colors range from 0 for black to 100 for white. Every color in between will have a corresponding light reflectance value according to the amount of light it reflects. If you do not like white or want your color scheme to be less monotonous, use different shades of a light color to paint the interiors. It is always better to have the ceilings in a matte white color as glossy paints can induce glares that can make it hard to see clearly.

3. Use Better Lighting In Your Cabinets, Wardrobe, And Closets

You may be neglecting certain parts of your home when it comes to lightings, such as your closets and wardrobes. Even a simple battery LED light can make a tremendous difference to the visibility in these places. The best lighting for your makeup table is natural lighting, and if it is not possible, using a 60 – 65watt natural lighting with a diffuser is the next best option. If there are no power outlets near your house, you can use a flat extension cord to provide lighting.

4. Change Your Lightbulbs

One of the best lighting hacks that you need to do in your home is switching your traditional bulbs to a CFL or LED alternative. The LED counterparts offer better visibility while minimizing the consumption of electricity, thereby contributing to reducing your power bills. LED lights are also better for places with warmer climates since traditional incandescent light bulbs tend to generate more heat during operation. The LED bulbs are too less taxing on the environment, and they also last twice as long.

5. Use Dimmer Lights

Dimmer lights are the best option to provide a comfortable ambiance for your home. You have a variety of options to use dimmable lights, including keeping your lights in recesses or on specific angles away from direct eye line. You can also alter the lighting intensity to match your requirements according to the time of the day.

6. Use Motion Sensors

You can use motion sensors to detect if a room has any occupants and switch on or off the lighting accordingly. This will prevent accidentally leaving the lights on when you leave the room. You can also control the sensitivity and delay timer for the motion sensors, as well as connect with doors to automatically switch on when you open the door.

7. Use Layer Effect

Try to use at least three different lights in every room to balance out the lighting effect. This will prevent one area from being excessively bright and another part being too dark. With this technique, you can reduce the size and wattages of your light fixtures,


The ideal lighting not only enhances the looks of your home, but also serves to improve your circadian rhythm, personal wellness, and decrease stress. Having proper lighting can change the entire perception of your home. You can experiment with the lighting using different tones and warm hues to feel how the lighting affects your mood and the atmosphere in your home. You can try using various lighting schemes in other areas of your home according to their purpose.

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